Last year I was all ready to do the Statue of Liberty, but the park was being renovated so I had to wait until this year. Now usually I send over 1, maybe 2 poster boards of art, but this year the Fine Arts Supervisor was really pushing so I sent over 4 boards.
I usually choose one class to do this project with, but decided to just do it with my 2nd-5th graders that I see on Tuesdays in order to be able to send them out on time. Which was a good thing since we ended up with 2 snow days (in Florida aka Tropical Storm days). However, I really love how they came out and will do it with all the classes that are ahead of the ones who were off due to the weather.
My inspiration for this project was Romero Britto and Peter Max. I did a very short Power Point.
Click here for full statue directions.

I also found these directions for the Britto inspired Lady Liberty and since this was from last year I can't find my source....... if anyone knows, please let me know!
Children were instructed to draw lightly with pencil, go over pencil lines with Sharpies and then paint with water colors. Using ANY and ALL colors that they wanted to use.
This may be something I can check off my bucket list!!
Anyway, let's take a moment today to remember all the people who perished 15 years ago today.
RIP, my high school classmate, Capt. William F. Burke. You will always be remembered.
Thanks for reading!
Going now to see the exhibition!